Metaball 쉽게 만들기

2020. 4. 6. 21:49Desgin/Illustrator


Metaball UI

1. 링크파일 다운로드: Scripts for Adobe Illustrator (JavaScript)


s.h's page : Scripts for Adobe Illustrator CS

-- 2018-07-20 : Modified the scripts which process selected objects so that locked/hidden objects included in the selected groups are excluded from processing. -- 2017-05-13 : "Arc Correction". Added new feature that corrects text paths in the selection as

2. 압축 해제후 폴더에서 Metaball (Arc) 파일 복사 

3. 아래 파일 경로에 붙여넣기 

Applictions / Abode Illrustrator CC 2020 / Presets / en_GB / Scripts


4. 일러스트에 메타볼 주고 싶은 Object를 선택한후 File-> Scripts-> Metaball (Arc)를 클릭


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